Film and Television Shows...
The crew at Action Animals understand the challenges of managing animals on a television set over extended periods of time. As animal wranglers, we understand both what the animal will do as part of their natural abilities as well as what the animals are comfortable with ... what's asked of them in studio conditions. |
Commercials... Action Animals is a leading supplier of domestic, native and exotic animals for television commercials. We have an impressive, proven track record and offer qualified coordinators as well as a team of talented trainers and reliable animals. |
Photography... The first rule on a magazine shoot is to make photographer's life easy. As we see it the reason we are hired as a professional animal agency not someone off the street is that we have the experience and knowledge. We will help the shoot go quickly, easily and in the end more successfully. |
Live Shows & Events...
Action Animals is the company to go to when looking to highlight your trade show or event with a professionally produced animal show. Imagine having a range of tame, hand-raised native animals at your next special event. We can provide an entertaining and engaging stage-show as well as arrange professional staff to roam among your guests with the various animals. We can also allow special photo opportunities with guests and our animals on application. |